My background
Here it goes..
10 years ago, when seeing websites builded with Macromedia Flash
i remained stunned.
Since then I decided to start with was not long and I realized
I had a passion for programming.
My experience has grown
over time, moving from Flash to open standards for device independence..
and now i know most programming languages and softwares on the web market.
As a Front-end Developer I have an extensive
knowledge of HTML, CSS, jQuery and Javascript. These are my preferred tools as the demand for search engine ranking always seems to outweigh the animation...
I believe there is a connection, a symmetry in things.
Mathematical knowledge I possess are the basis of all my projects, from simple logic programming for the assembly of a layout.
As a Back-end Developer, because I have a vision tending to the user interface,
I develop often background processes with
asynchronous calls;
I tend to write object-oriented code, converge to a unique solution to the problems.
Ability to write high-performance, reusable code for UI components